Monday, December 04, 2006

Tahoe '06

Tahoe 2006 seemed to pass so quickly.

A bit of snow, a bit of turkey, and close friends...... woooosh! And it was gone.

Noah had a great week. He played poker with Daddy (nabbed 65 bucks) ate turkey by the fistful, sat and played in his first snowfall (christmas card is on its way) and almost learned the truth behind the old saying, "you play with fire you get burned"

Here are a few pics to remember Tahoe '06. A sweet time was had by all.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Noah Lives

Compliments of Dave McCann, a big Noah fan, who has a ten month old baby girl of his own.

Love ya, Davey boy.

Sunday, November 19, 2006



Happy Thanksgiving everybody. Noah is starting off his Thanksgiving break (1st ever!) by heading up north to Livermore, CA, a nice little(mid size) town near San Francisco, to visit Cousin Cory, Heather and 2nd Cousin (3rd? once removed? Twice? huh?) Madison Dawn(She the cutie pictured above, who upon our arrival had just returned from getting her first stitch near her left eye. She took a dive off a chair! Yikes!)

This is only the beginning of our adventures. We are heading to Tahoe in a couple days (many pictures to follow)

Noah is all smiles at his cousins place. He loves to chase the little mop dog, Pixie, and cuddle up with the viscious Pit Bull, Bandit, a sweetie of a dog as well. No stranger anxiety from this little baby boy. Hey! He was also a perfect angel on the car ride, even though he had some assistance from Mom in the final hour (Mom was breastfeeding on the freeway, traveling at 90 miles an hour.!!!

This morning we are sitting down to a giant breakfast (cooked up just right by our exceptional host, Heather.(not pictured, parents are always the ones taking the pics, we don't seem to make many appearances.) Thank to Heather, Cory, her two boys Jordie and Brendan and Maddie.

Happy Sunday everybody!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

I love you Noah.
This is Dad (Da Da)
You know, the one who shows up daily about 5pm and mysteriously disapears every morning before you wake.
Sometimes I'm still there when you wake, but it's dark and shadowy and you think you must have dreamed it since when the light covers the room I am nowhere to be found.
I am the taller of the two, the one with the scruffy beard. The one without the endless supply of life giving milk. I'm your Dad.

Well, I miss you. Thinking of you and trying to teleport myself into your world. If I could, I'd sit on your shoulder all day, as you climb and crash and crawl to and fro.

I'm your Dad, little Noah. Baby Noah. Sunshine. Love.

I miss you.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Right on Target

Every month I get an email update on Noah. It comes from

They send me little notes:
"Dear Dad, are you doing enough around the house?"
"Eight ways to soothe a teether."
"Sleeping through the night and why your baby doesn't."

Anyway, every week I get an update on babies progression. It'll say what the average baby at that age is doing.

The updates are ALWAYS spot on! Whatever they say Noah will be doing, he does the very next day.
If they say soon he'll be crawling, he crawls!
Check for teeth, byt the itme I do that, pop, two teeth.
Baby will be developing stranger anxiety, next day Noah is crying in my arms afraid of a stranger.

It's like that show Heroes, where the guy paints the pictures of the future - except in our scenario there is no heroine.

This is from this week's email: Noah turned 8 months today.....

Stand and deliver
Your baby may be able to pull himself up to a standing position while holding on to furniture. In fact, if you stand your baby next to the sofa, he may be able to hold himself up, although he may be hanging on for dear life.

At this stage some parents put their children in baby walkers, but that's not a good idea. Walkers are unsafe: Your baby can use a walker as a stepladder to reach things he couldn't normally get to, such as a hot stove or bottle of bleach. What's more, they discourage floor play, which helps him learn to walk by giving him opportunities to crawl, pull up, and cruise while holding on to furniture — all activities that lead to walking.

The funny here comes in the form of the Walker we just picked up for him. He doesn't love it, but we got it, and now I'm reading that it is unsafe. So, I am rushing home to dispose of it. But by the time I get there, the phrophecy will have come true, and Noah will have a fat lip or some type of bruise.

Curses to

If you would like a reading from Prophet Noah Hyatt please let me know. He will look into your future!

Oh, did I mention he can also regenerate?

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Saturday, September 23, 2006

The NOAH Show

Next, on the NOAH Show.

Noah claps. Noah waves. Noah drools. Noah sings. Noah does a little dance.

Noah recently turned seven months old. Yeah, he rocks.

I believe it was the Black Eyed Peas who proclaimed:
"Damn right, my baby is better than yours....."

But let's not go there.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Noah the Godfather

More love from Uncle Brooke.

This was actually his first creation of little Noah, this time stoic Marlon Brando in diapers - !


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Monday, August 14, 2006


Jalama Beach '06 was not only Noah's first camping trip, but his
first chance to see a campfire
first marshmellow roast
first Smore
first time sleeping under the stars
first time seeing the beach
first time touching the ocean
first time listening to campfire songs with songbird Ben

Thanks to the Jalama '06 crew from Noah! He promises that he will be up and about in no time with all the little guys. - Eli, Henry and the rest... save a place for Noah around the campfire. He'll need to hold your hand for a bit. :)

Shout Out

August 14

Noah just wanted to give a shout out to his homie Aedan.
Recently, when Noah's Pop's traveled to the land down under, Noah took comfort with his good buddy, Aedan.
There were trips to the Long Beach Aquarium, swimming, and other general thumb sucking activities.
Yo Aedan! What up, pal!
(More shout out's to come)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

NOAH the Swimmer

Noah is only 19 weeks old and already he can swim laps.

He recently conquered the swimming pools of Chris N Jenni -

Kelly, and Vickie and Reuben (with assistance from his two young pals Aedan and Kasandra)

Now, even though Noah can swim laps, (including backstroke, breastroke, butterfly, and the 4 man relay) he doesn't like to be dunked. Noah can be seen swimming the English Channel in his little blue speedo hat, caked in sunscreen.Here he can be seen sporting his ray ban sunglasses, with proud Momma standing by. This is part of Noah's pre swim ritual, with includes stretching, diaper change, and a nip from the boob

He is planning a Niagra Falls barrel run soon.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Only a Mommy could make a baby smile like this.

Can you spot the baby?
Mommy is not pictured, but c'mon, I had to include these shots.
Mommy's birthday. A supportive son soaked in the atmosphere. And you gotta love a Mommy that wears tin foil on her head all evening while breaastfeeding and changing diapers.
Never missed a beat.

Mommy at your first angel game.
Without Mommy, Noah would never have enjoyed his first game. She kept him warm and fashionable - and look how cute they both are.

June 13th, 2006


Noah loves his mommy, as evident from the pictures.

Mommy does it all.
She gives life, she sustains life, and she encourages life.

We love you Mommy, Oh yes we do. We love you so much

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Noah is now 16 Weeks Old

And Dad just found out how to upload video!!


Sunday, May 14, 2006

Noah Attends first Angel Game

May 13th, 2006

Not only did Noah attend his first Angels game, he was highlighted on the Angels Jumbo Vision, and Dad caught a ball tossed up into the stands by up and comer Rob Quinlan.

We found ourselves 8 rows straight behind the Angels dugout. Aunt Kelly, her roomie Deanna, and Mom and Dad sat field level, munched peanuts, sang "take me out", dodged Vlad and Garrett foul balls and celebrated Tim Salmon's 1000th and 1001st RBI's.

We only made it to through ten innings (we have a three month old!) and the Angels eventually lost 5-4 in thirteen. But, what a good time. Hopefully, many more to come.

Thanks for the tickets, Aunt Kelly!

Seattle (16-22)
Won 1
Seattle 5, LA Angels 4 LAA
LA Angels (16-21)
Lost 1
May 13, 2006
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 R H E
0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5112
LA Angels
0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4141

Standings thru 5/13/06 Wrap Gameday

Suzuki, RF5010120.288
Lopez, 2B6000022.277
Ibanez, LF6010010.292
Sexson, 1B6221022.201
Everett, DH6130010.242
Beltre, 3B6001032.216
Johjima, C4010012.270
1-Bloomquist, PR-SS1000011.327
Reed, CF5121000.220
Betancourt, SS3111000.261
a-Petagine, PH1000002.267
Rivera, R, C1000000.167

a-Grounded out for Betancourt in the 9th.
1-Ran for Johjima in the 9th.

HR: Betancourt (1, 3rd inning off Lackey, 0 on, 1 out), Reed (2, 5th inning off Lackey, 0 on, 0 out), Sexson (4, 13th inning off Gregg, 0 on, 1 out).
TB: Suzuki; Ibanez; Sexson 5; Everett 3; Johjima; Reed 5; Betancourt 4.
RBI: Betancourt (14), Beltre (11), Reed (7), Sexson (18).
Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Sexson; Petagine.
Team LOB: 7.

SB: Suzuki (13, 2nd base off Lackey/Molina).
CS: Beltre (2, 2nd base by Lackey/Molina).

E: Betancourt (3, fielding), Lopez (3, fielding).

Figgins, 3B7030003.260
Cabrera, SS6110113.275
Anderson, LF7120004.268
Guerrero, RF6221111.324
Salmon, DH7012032.275
Rivera, CF5021101.268
Quinlan, 1B6030014.289
Molina, C2000001.169
a-Kennedy, PH-2B2000112.271
Kendrick, H, 2B3000001.115
Napoli, M, C3000012.222

a-Grounded out for Molina in the 7th.

2B: Quinlan (5, Washburn), Figgins (8, Putz), Guerrero (4, Woods).
HR: Guerrero (9, 2nd inning off Washburn, 0 on, 0 out).
TB: Figgins 4; Cabrera; Anderson 2; Guerrero 6; Salmon; Rivera 2; Quinlan 4.
RBI: Guerrero (31), Salmon 2 (12), Rivera (13).
2-out RBI: Salmon 2; Rivera.
Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Quinlan; Cabrera 2; Rivera; Anderson 2; Kennedy; Figgins 2; Salmon.
S: Molina.
Team LOB: 16.

SB: Kennedy (4, 2nd base off Sherrill/Rivera, R), Figgins (11, 2nd base off Soriano/Johjima), Kendrick, H (2, 3rd base off Soriano/Johjima).

E: Figgins (7, fielding).
DP: (Molina-Kendrick, H).

Washburn 5.29441013.91
Soriano 1.12001102.66
Guardado 1.01000105.93
Putz 2.01001301.83
Sherrill (W, 1-1)2.00001203.09
Woods (S, 1)1.01000105.29
Lackey 7.07440723.61
Shields 1.00000100.92
Rodriguez 2.02000102.25
Donnelly 1.01000302.95
Romero 1.10001007.07
Gregg (L, 2-2)0.21110114.29

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Happy Birthday Daddy!

April 26th. 2006

Today is Daddy's birthday. And Noah loves his Daddy.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Noah Christopher Hyatt

Name: Noah Christopher Hyatt
Born: February 17, 2006 at 12:25am
Weight: 8 pounds 12 ounces
Length: 20 ¼ inches
Nicknames: Sunny Sunshine; CUTIE PA-TOOTIE


Noah Hyatt, known to authorities as the “Cutie Pa-tootie” killer, was born at St. Jude’s Hospital to loving parents Tom and Laura Hyatt. Upon taking one look at him, his exceptional cuteness was more than the young couple could stand. Tom suffered a massive cardiac arrest while attempting to hold the baby. Witnesses said he looked down at the exceptionally good looking baby boy, 2, (minutes), grabbed his chest while mumbling, “So cute”. He was pronounced dead on the spot. Laura pinched his cheeks, squealed and then fell into a coma and later died when her heart burst. All told, sixteen visiting family members have stopped by to make googly eyes and give zerberts, unaware of the risks. Two sets of Grandparents, three Uncles, two Aunts, and an untold number of cousins have fallen victim to the madness that is “cutie”. Asked for comment Noah just gurgled, flashed his baby blue eyes and pouted out his chubby cheeks. The funeral for the interviewer will be held on Tuesday.

Baby Noah Facts

Likes: Boobs (Momma's in particular); The Beatles; Shushing sounds; The Colbert Report; diaper changes with heater; LOST; singing, sleeping all night.
Bathtime with Dad; Morning Play Time.
Dislikes: Diaper change without heater; being naked; his hat sliding over his face; gas pains; WILL and GRACE; diaper rashes; The Witching Hour;
Favorite Songs:
"Noah loves his Daddy"(a song I made up) Mozart for Babies; Oh My Love; John Lennon.

Favorite books: What a Wonderful World; Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb;

FAVORITE THINGS TO DO: 1) Sleep 2) Eat 3) Poop 4) Homicide

Monday, March 20, 2006

Bear Butt

March 17th, 2005

Bear Butt

Evident from this picture Noah loves his Auntie. He has two Auntie's, and three Uncles, and the love showered on him this first month of his life is unprecedented.

One month, Sunny. We love you.

Here are a couple of my favorite Noah/Dad pics.

Highlights of month one:

Noah laughed, smiled, sneezed, cooed, coughed, and winked all for the first time this month.

Noah found his loud cry and busts it out whenever he is too tired, too hot, too cold, too hungry or if he has his diaper changed without his little heater.

Noah drove in the backseat of the car all by himself.

Noah latched on!

Noah worked his way through seventeen outfits in one day. He pooped, peed, and spit up on the first fifteen, and the sixteenth outfit just didn't match.

Noah endured his Mommy and Daddy. He survived our overindulgent concerns, our protective pawing, and our improved songs as we lulled him to sleep. He made it through Dad's obsessive neeed to smell him each time he arrrived home from work; he got through Mom's desperate need to pinch his cutie rump! He lived through both of our insane "isn't he the most beautiful creature on the planet" rantings and kisses.

Noah's Mommy and Daddy ate like royalty this month. All of our family and friends particpated in a food love in - In the meelee Mom lost several pounds while Dad found those laying around and paacked them on his midsection.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Noah Christopher Hyatt

Name: Noah Christopher Hyatt
Born: February 17, 2006 at 12:25am
Weight: 8 pounds 12 ounces
Length: 20 1/4 inches
Nicknames: Sunny Sunshine; Noahs; Poop Machine; Squirmy Wormy; Milk Jug; Milk Dud

Likes: Boobs (Momma's in particular) ; The Beatles; Shushing sounds; being walked around the house at 3A.M.; sleeping on Dad's chest; diaper changes with heater.

Dislikes: Diaper change without heater; being naked; his hat sliding over his face; gas pains;

Favorite Song: "Noah loves his Daddy"(a song I made up)

Favorite day of the week: Saturday and Sunday, when Daddy is home.

FAVORITE THINGS TO DO: 1) Sleep 2) Eat 3) Poop

Saturday, February 25, 2006