Saturday, March 04, 2006

Noah Christopher Hyatt

Name: Noah Christopher Hyatt
Born: February 17, 2006 at 12:25am
Weight: 8 pounds 12 ounces
Length: 20 1/4 inches
Nicknames: Sunny Sunshine; Noahs; Poop Machine; Squirmy Wormy; Milk Jug; Milk Dud

Likes: Boobs (Momma's in particular) ; The Beatles; Shushing sounds; being walked around the house at 3A.M.; sleeping on Dad's chest; diaper changes with heater.

Dislikes: Diaper change without heater; being naked; his hat sliding over his face; gas pains;

Favorite Song: "Noah loves his Daddy"(a song I made up)

Favorite day of the week: Saturday and Sunday, when Daddy is home.

FAVORITE THINGS TO DO: 1) Sleep 2) Eat 3) Poop

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