Thursday, October 26, 2006

I love you Noah.
This is Dad (Da Da)
You know, the one who shows up daily about 5pm and mysteriously disapears every morning before you wake.
Sometimes I'm still there when you wake, but it's dark and shadowy and you think you must have dreamed it since when the light covers the room I am nowhere to be found.
I am the taller of the two, the one with the scruffy beard. The one without the endless supply of life giving milk. I'm your Dad.

Well, I miss you. Thinking of you and trying to teleport myself into your world. If I could, I'd sit on your shoulder all day, as you climb and crash and crawl to and fro.

I'm your Dad, little Noah. Baby Noah. Sunshine. Love.

I miss you.


Brian said...
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Brian said...

Hi Tom or should I say "Da Da". Noah's blog has inspired me so I've created one for Ellen, even though she hasn't been born yet. I've linked it Noah's so that they can get the friend thing going.

Check it out when you have the time


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