Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Right on Target

Every month I get an email update on Noah. It comes from

They send me little notes:
"Dear Dad, are you doing enough around the house?"
"Eight ways to soothe a teether."
"Sleeping through the night and why your baby doesn't."

Anyway, every week I get an update on babies progression. It'll say what the average baby at that age is doing.

The updates are ALWAYS spot on! Whatever they say Noah will be doing, he does the very next day.
If they say soon he'll be crawling, he crawls!
Check for teeth, byt the itme I do that, pop, two teeth.
Baby will be developing stranger anxiety, next day Noah is crying in my arms afraid of a stranger.

It's like that show Heroes, where the guy paints the pictures of the future - except in our scenario there is no heroine.

This is from this week's email: Noah turned 8 months today.....

Stand and deliver
Your baby may be able to pull himself up to a standing position while holding on to furniture. In fact, if you stand your baby next to the sofa, he may be able to hold himself up, although he may be hanging on for dear life.

At this stage some parents put their children in baby walkers, but that's not a good idea. Walkers are unsafe: Your baby can use a walker as a stepladder to reach things he couldn't normally get to, such as a hot stove or bottle of bleach. What's more, they discourage floor play, which helps him learn to walk by giving him opportunities to crawl, pull up, and cruise while holding on to furniture — all activities that lead to walking.

The funny here comes in the form of the Walker we just picked up for him. He doesn't love it, but we got it, and now I'm reading that it is unsafe. So, I am rushing home to dispose of it. But by the time I get there, the phrophecy will have come true, and Noah will have a fat lip or some type of bruise.

Curses to

If you would like a reading from Prophet Noah Hyatt please let me know. He will look into your future!

Oh, did I mention he can also regenerate?

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