Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Only a Mommy could make a baby smile like this.

Can you spot the baby?
Mommy is not pictured, but c'mon, I had to include these shots.
Mommy's birthday. A supportive son soaked in the atmosphere. And you gotta love a Mommy that wears tin foil on her head all evening while breaastfeeding and changing diapers.
Never missed a beat.

Mommy at your first angel game.
Without Mommy, Noah would never have enjoyed his first game. She kept him warm and fashionable - and look how cute they both are.

June 13th, 2006


Noah loves his mommy, as evident from the pictures.

Mommy does it all.
She gives life, she sustains life, and she encourages life.

We love you Mommy, Oh yes we do. We love you so much

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