Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Noah - walks, talks... dances?

The attached video is the reason why single people hate parents. Because we, parents (well, parents like me) make silly little videos of their kids dancing. And post them on the web.

Noah dancing, with Mom at his side, is the most wonderful footage a parent can have. But for the rest of the world, you can't imagine wasting so much time as to upload a video, add text, music, effects and transitions to a little boy simply walking to and fro and wagging his body this way and that.

I can't get enough!


Kelly said...

Adorable! He's quite a dancer. I feel certain he got his smooth moves from Laura. Love, K

Brian said...

Thats hilarious!! I can't wait till Ellen is a little more interactive so that I can create such a video! See you guys at the birthday party.

Anonymous said...

that is SO CUTE
