Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Noah

Year One of the Noah show has come to an end.

Noah gathered together family and friends at the illustrious Penn Park Saturday afternoon where a good time was had by all. Noah had 'the best time ever'. That's a direct quote from him! Yes, he talks, and Dad understands.

I asked Noah what his favorite moments were during his birthday extravaganza, and although he is usually a one word at a time kinda one year old, I interpreted hand gestures, body language, gibberish, and other such yelps to decipher his thoughts.

Here they are:

5. "Ga boo de gryelp!"
Translation: I very much enjoyed the presents, especially the one from (insert your name here). It was the (shiniest, fastest, coolest, biggest, noisiest, most educational, hardest to assemble, most colorful, most stylish, most expensive- PICK ONE)

4. Da Dana hujuku -
Translation: Before my birthday party Mom took me to get my first
haircut. I was scared! I mean, a person comes at you that you never met
before with a pair of scissors and says, "Hold still". I'm like, 'I'm
outta here." But after it was over everything was fine. I looked sharp.
I mean, I looked so good. That haircut made me look months older.

3. Ka! -
Translation: One word, people. Cake. Why was this the first I was hearing about
this delicious morsel? All I can say is, Wow! Guess what? I'm a sugar
junkie, yes I am! A year goes by and nobody tells me about sugar? I
have some catching up to do. Oh, and let's give it up for my Mom, shall
we? The decorations on that cake and cupcakes?! Hysterical! My Mom, God
love her, actually drew animal faces on each cupcake. A real pleasure,

2. Ja baba juby -
Translation: All the fine lookin' ladies. Sadie. Ellen. Cassidy. -
I already talked to my boy Aeden about this and he just didn't seem to care. All he wanted to do was play. He's a lot younger than I am, you know, he's only 10 months!
Anyway, I got Sadie's digits but I'm too shy to call. My older cousins
Henry and Eli insist that girls have something called 'cuties' but I
say bring on the cuties!

1. Ma Ma -
Translation: I love my Mom. She is the best Mom. Really! This past year, I just can't tell you what she's meant to me. I mean, food, clothing, warmth (to name a few). But I just love that lady. She is the best. I tell ya, this is nothing against other Mom's, but my Mom rocks the suburbs! Thanks Mom!

Thanks again everybody for making my birthday such a success. The next day I was so excited I woke up at 5:30AM to open presents. Mom and Dad were thrilled! I have been beeping and bumping and rolling and riding and singing and dancing since 5:30AM. And that's not all. There's so much more to do. I can't wait to .................ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


Anonymous said...

It was a fun party Noah!! We love you monkey!

Brian said...

Happy Birthday Noah! Enjoyed the pictures from the party. Ellen looks like a old man.