Jackie Boy - Bumps, Bruises, Scratches – Doctor Visits and a 911 Call – And 1 Million Smiles
If Noah was busy exploring the limits of his mind, Jack was quite occupied exploring the limits of his body. He started off 2009 as a 4-month old little squirt, flashing his many-toothed grin at anybody who would give him the time of day. Desiring to move before his little (or not so little) body was ready, he was crawling at ??? months and attempting a sprint at a year. His head disproportionately bigger than the rest of his body, he often (sometimes every few minutes) met the ground head first. Never cautious, never fearful, he hops back up with a fresh bump or scratch sometimes without a single groan, ready to run and fall again. He ends 2009 as a15-month old daredevil clown. He hops aboard at least five different ride toys several times a day. He not only attempts to ride a trike meant for a 3-year old (and he figures out how to get it going), he wants to invent new and more exciting ways to ride. What about if I rode it backward or stood on the seat? As I'm writing this he is standing atop a scooter sideways with no hands, seemingly attempting to jump off. Keep in mind that he is not capable of jumping.
Jack is a social being. He says hi when there is a knock at the door and smiles at every passerby. When he does not get attention from a stranger, he looks at them, walks up to them, and nearly forces his smile upon them. At red lights I catch the lady in the car next to us, waving back at her newfound friend. He's a ham. Take out a camera and he squints his eyes, shows his full set of teeth, and says “teeeeese”.
He's a clown. He makes us belly laugh daily. He tries to crack jokes only the way a baby can and he loves his own sense of humor (Hmmm - remind you of anyone?). He attempts to bit off noses, tackle cousins to the ground, and runs around the house growling and chasing us during monster play. He's rough and tough and enjoys a little pain with his play. Head bumps may leave you tearing up in pain while he is belly laughing.
A Music Lover, especially hard rock. When he was an infant, he was not soothed by Mom's singing or lullabies. We had to put on the grateful dead to rock him to sleep. Party environments relaxed him. I remember one family party in particular, it was long past bedtime and he was cranky and whiny. I tried nursing him, rocking him, taking him into a quiet room. It wasn't until we entered the karoake bar with a few loud ramblers obnoxiously singing some 80s rock song that he was soothed to sleep.
And a talker. Quite the parrot. We adore the way he says NooAh. When his uncle Steven sings the ever favorite “Hop on board the animal train...” Jack singsongs “Animaw”. And if you start singing old MacDonald he joins in at “E-I-E-E-O”. He barks and pants at dogs at dog-eees and belly laughs when family dogs knock him to the ground. He calls Debandababa Baba and sometimes spits out all the syllables of her nickname. He loves saying Dimmy (my brother Jimmy) and Eyi (cousin Eli). He'll repeat anything when he feels up to it but never for show.
He's growing too fast as the second child often does. I hardly remember the crawling days. We're not sure when he had his first word. We only have about a 1000 digital pics of his life so far (Noah had 3 video movies of the birthing experience alone). He had a full set of teeth at his first birthday and sometimes he eats more than I do.
He terrifies us. With his rambunctious, fearless nature, his oral fixations, his body rashes, and his febral seizures, we are kept on our toes. If Noah has us using our imaginations more, Jack keeps us active, literally jumping and sprinting over to him to try to prevent another disaster.
We love it.
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