Thursday, August 14, 2008



Let's call today the cereal day.

You were so hungry for cereal tonight. You wanted the one with the bird on it. This is my fault, of course, I never should have picked up that box of Coco Puffs. They were on sale. Two bucks. I couldn't resist. And several mornings back, I shouldn't have given you a bite of the "bird" cereal. Your face lit up like Christmas morning.

Last night you stayed up till 10 p.m.
Watching T.V. with Ella Gale. You were so happy then. I think you watched The Lorax. Are you too young for the Lorax? I don't think so. Well, it couldn't hurt, right?

I've never seen you so upset, son. You were so lost in anger. So enraged. You wanted the bird cereal. Your nose was running. Your face was beet red. Your brow dipped in sweat, your arms flailing.... What a site.

This was a day. And now as I reflect on it, I love you for your individuality, for your spirit, for your drive.

Goodnight. Dream of Coco Puffs, because you'll never see them in our house again.

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