At least the spring break they sell us on MTV.
Use to be staying up late, over-indulging in liquid numbing agents.....
These days spring break is a G-rated affair. And I could not be happier about it.
Today marks the end of my spring break. And I spent each of those days with my son, Noah!
Let's look back on our wild week.
The first day Noah and I slept in.... till 7:00am. It was glorious. Well rested, we ate breakfast together. I got really excited about our first spring break day together so I made waffles, veggie sausage, scrambled eggs, and poured orange juice, coffee, and milk (whole for him, non-fat for me) Noah ate Cheerios, I ate the rest.
We headed to a gymboree type class. It's called "Parenting a toddler" - Laura signed up several weeks back and although I had taken Noah one time before this one was special. For several hours Noah climbed and threw and played - Dad encouraged and cheered and laughed. The highlight was when a Mom screamed because a "lizard" had scampered into a corner and she needed a "man" to get it. I said, " A man? I'll go outside and look for one." Nobody laughed. The lizard turned out to be a tiny rubber toy, like one you'd find in a cereal box. The Moms were still freaked out.
Noah and I napped, Mom was home by noon, and day one came to an early end.
A walk. Books. Bath. Bed. Love you, Noah.

The next morning Noah and I ate our yummy breakfast, got ourselves a shower, and managed to hoist on our swim attire and head down to the YMCA for swim class, which began at 9:30am. We were early and so decided to wander around the drug store for fifteen minutes. And it is times like these when life makes complete sense. It is in fleeting moments like these when you can't stop being so grateful for how blessed you are. Noah and I wandered down the toy aisle and I bought Noah a bouncy ball. I handed him the ball. He took it. He laughed. He said, "Da Da" as if he was saying 'thank you.' He had never been happier in his entire life. The cashier flirted with him and his "gorgeous eyes" and we moved on to swim class so happy we could not stand the sight of ourselves. OK, not true, Noah relishes the chance to glimpse his reflection any time he can.
During swim class we pretended to be bubbles, a cookoo clock, and a dolphin. Noah doesn't mind being dipped or passed around, but if you try to get out of the pool he has a real problem. Apparently, he wants to live there. But, a group of elderly folks start to line up outside our little pool for their turn at swim class. It's similar by nature, they pretend to be bubbles, cookoo clocks, and dolphins as well.
A trip to the library. Bath. Books. A car ride to sleep.

Later that week we found ourselves at the Children's Museum in La Habra with my cousins Vickie and Melissa and all our kids - Kasandra, Nathan, and my Noah. The thing about a Children's Museum is that it is a magical place - for only a very short time in a child's life. If you are too young, you just can't understand what you are seeing and doing. If you are too old, you are bored by the exhibits and wish for more. For Kasandra, Nathan, and my Noah the museum was absolute magic. They had trains you could control with the push of a button, they had a replica bus you could drive and pay your fare. They had a car to drive for little guys. They had plastic potatoes and carrots to pluck from the ground, and they had large realistic animals that scared no one, but intrigued all.

A couple more cousin pics. Know that no child was armed by lions in the taking of this picture.

The week ended in a flurry of books, baths, drives and walks.
Laura was there for a mid week trip to the park where sunshine attacked Noah's fair skin and Noah enjoyed a swing or two. The uptown park was visited by us many times as well. Let's just say we are a family that loves a park!
We had a visit to my folks, a birthday party for Grandma Pam, and a day spent in Sierra Madre with our favorite canyon folk.
There was more but it was all that little stuff that only Noah and I will remember. A smile. A hug. A sigh. He's my Noah, and he gave me my best spring break ever!
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