March 17th, 2005
Bear Butt
Evident from this picture Noah loves his Auntie. He has two Auntie's, and three Uncles, and the love showered on him this first month of his life is unprecedented.
One month, Sunny. We love you.
Here are a couple of my favorite Noah/Dad pics.

Highlights of month one:
Noah laughed, smiled, sneezed, cooed, coughed, and winked all for the first time this month.
Noah found his loud cry and busts it out whenever he is too tired, too hot, too cold, too hungry or if he has his diaper changed without his little heater.
Noah drove in the backseat of the car all by himself.
Noah latched on!
Noah worked his way through seventeen outfits in one day. He pooped, peed, and spit up on the first fifteen, and the sixteenth outfit just didn't match.
Noah endured his Mommy and Daddy. He survived our overindulgent concerns, our protective pawing, and our improved songs as we lulled him to sleep. He made it through Dad's obsessive neeed to smell him each time he arrrived home from work; he got through Mom's desperate need to pinch his cutie rump! He lived through both of our insane "isn't he the most beautiful creature on the planet" rantings and kisses.
Noah's Mommy and Daddy ate like royalty this month. All of our family and friends particpated in a food love in - In the meelee Mom lost several pounds while Dad found those laying around and paacked them on his midsection.