Saturday, December 08, 2007

Why so long?


You are napping on a lazy Saturday. I am spending another Saturday afternoon working. It's not the best thing a Dad can do on a Saturday. There's just so much to do. But there's so much to do with you, as well.

So I'm stopping. Right now.

There. I stopped. And I won't start again until you wake up from your nap.

Then I'm taking you to the park. You can swing as high as you want to, and as long as you want, too. You can slip and slide and crawl and jump and hang and run and fall and rock all you want.

After that I'm making you lunch. Whatever you want, and we'll eat it together. Maybe some fruit, need a veggie in there, some protein. You love cheese. You are crazy for Cheerios or some variation. If Da Da has milk, you want milk. And we pick out the carrots from the Veggie soup because it's your favorite.

Later we might watch some Sesame Street. Or read a dozen or so books. If you get your hands on "Bear Wants More" or "Little People Town" or "Go Away Scary Monster" we'll find ourselves reading it seven or eight times. I can't wait to do that for you.

Then you'll need a nap. I'll offer you a bottle (a Ba Ba, as you know it) but you'll just chew on it. You aren't a big fan. We can lay together for up to an hour, singing songs (Itsy Bitsy Spider or Take Me Out To The Ballgame) but you just won't fall asleep like that. You'll probably need a drive along the block with Jack Johnson or maybe even a stroller or wagon ride.

I hope you can get a lot of sleep because we have much more to do. It's Saturday, after all.

While you sleep I'll plan the rest. I'll put up your tent in the living room, I'll set up your trains and blocks. I'll get out your crayons and paper and I'll set out some snacks. Your sandbox is ready, your tiny swimming pool awaits. Your push toys are aching for you, and your tricycle misses you, too. We'll all wait for you to wake up.

Well, while I wait I might just check my email. And if it's something to do with work I might just have to take care of it. And it might take me some time. And if I really mess up you'll just have to play trains or build blocks without me. - But I'll hurry. I promise. It is, after all, Saturday.

It's Sunday. Monday. October. November. December.
I'm working late, there's traffic, you got to get to bed, we have plans to visit.....

December 8th, 2008. Saturday.

You are napping. I am waiting. I will wait and wait and I'll be right here when you wake up.