I decided to take the boy to the Dodger game. He's been to one Angel game this season (compliments of cousins Ruben and Vickie- thank you Easter Sunday) but he had yet to visit Dodger stadium.
The Dodgers always win when Noah visits.
I stumbled across a half dozen tix for the Dodgers v. Cardinals game. The rubber match. I called up my nephews Eli and Henry and invited them along. We loaded up the Avalon and headed to the Ravine (equipped with Uncle Mark's top secret directions!)
We were seated in the outer reserve, section 60. Row U.
For those of you that don't know Dodger Stadium:
Outer Reserve is highest level, besides Top Deck, but they are directly behind home plate, so Outer Reserve is the farthest you can get from the action.
Section 60 - Dodger Stadium is EVEN on the right field side, ODD numbers on the left. It starts at home plate and spreads out. 60 is the absolute last Section in the Outer Reserve.
Row U- Well, you all know your alphabet. Usually there is a V, W, X, Y, Z to follow good ole U. Not at Dodger stadium. IT goes U. Then Z.
We were in the last section, 2nd to last row, and three seats from the absolute corner. We were practically in the parking lot.
Nobody cared. It was a bit cold but we were all dressed up in our best Dodger gear and ready to cheer.
We enjoyed the first two innings, squinting our eyes to see the Cardinals take a 3-1 lead into the third inning. We munched on rice cakes and slurped on our bottled water. Both brought from home.
UNCLE DAVE to the rescue.
Uncle Dave showed up in Section 60 Row U to offer us a deal. No strings attached, he was going to take us all down to the FIELD level, third base side, row D (only four rows from the field! - Don't aks how, but Uncle Dave scored 4 EXTRA TIX to the FIELD LEVEL, easily 50 bucks a pop!)
What do we think? We love it. Well, I love it.
Noah doesn't fully understand English just yet and is still ssoaking in the sheer size of the stadium itself.
Eli and Henry are a little put out. Eli says, "I'm actually OK" and "That's a long walk".
Henry only half listened but when Uncle Dave loudly poses the question, "Do you wanna stay way out here or move down in the Yellow seats right on the field, four rows back?!" Henry said, "I don't know."
Noah didn't know either but of course we were up and out of our seats, heading for the field level. Uncle Dave dragged the two helpless boys through the crowds, up and around, down escalators and stairs to the coveted FIELD level. Laura, Noah and I followed shortly.
Brilliant seats! I loved it. And once they caught their breath aand settled in Eli and Henry loved it, too.
A couple of innings later Betemit launched a three run pinch hit home run, with two out! The Dodgers led 5-3/ held on for a 5-4 win thanks to the bullpen work of Broxton and closer Saito(who's "Bad to the Bone" entry music is rot with cliche but you couldn't help humming along)
Thank you, Uncle Dave for the great seats. Sorry your Cardinals lost.
This was Noah's 8th or 9th baseball game. 2nd this year. And would you believe, he has somehow picked up a love for the game. In deep sleep once we got home I think I heard him mumble..... 'go dodger blue...."
LA Dodgers 5, St. Louis 4 | LA Dodgers (25-16) Won 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Standings thru 5/16/07 | Wrap | Gameday |