Sunday, January 21, 2007

Firetruck destroyed - Noah #1 suspect.

Giant pools of drool located right next to the four recently flatened tires and smashed in windows linked Noah Hyatt, baby, to the near death of four of our finest firemen, and the wreckage that once was a firetruck.

Four men, and one dalmation, were rushed to Little Tikes Hospital, located in Noah's toy chest, where injuries from broken bones, crushed skulls, and missing limbs were treated. All the victims are in stable condition, but things don't looks too good for the dog. Apparently, Noah placed the canine in his mouth and chewed maniacally all the while mumbling, "doggie."

While it remains unclear what motivated the boy, now 11 months old, to attack the fire truck as it made its way through the living room of parents Tom and Laura (photo not available) what is clear is that Noah is a baby not to be trifled with.

"We just stay out of his way when he plays 'fire truck'", Dad and sometimes victim of Noah's hair pulling and stomach diving. "He aint foolin'. He'll jump on your stomach and drool on ya just as soon as look at ya, by God." Mom was too shaken up to comment.

Noah was last seen walking drunkenly towards the police station. All our boys in blue remain on full alert.

For Realpers pays a visit

Late December - Noah had some visitors. Some traveled from great distances, flew planes, drove hundreds of miles - others walked over from Penn and College Ave about a seven minute walk. Nevertheless, Noah welcomed his new guests with his usual spot on happy as a clam drool like a broken water main lovable squeezable babbling monkey!
Noah has welcomed in dozens of Uncles and Aunties, and is proud to announce here on his blog that Chris, April, and Sam are in! (Although Sam never actually held him but he did have the sniffles so OK) (Note: Aunties and Uncles are responsible for supplying birthday presents, Christmas and/or any other Winter Celebration your
family engages in that involves the exchanging of gifts (that includes Festivis, you! Also, Uncles and Aunties will make themselves available to babysit, for free, and with very little notice for all hours of the night. Oh, last but not least Uncles and Aunties can show there love through hugs, kisses, or direct deposits into Noah’s 529 College Fund (coming soon)

Saturday, January 06, 2007


This is Noah after two full weeks of decking the halls. Imagine how tired you are after the Holidays, now times that by the fact that this was Noah's first, he is only two feet or so, the Turkey many of you cooked weighed more than he, and the boy did not stop opening presents for his spoiled self from the 23rd until he rang in the New Year - passed out, curled in a ball as Laura and I whispered, "Happy New Year."

Here are a few examples of how new parents torture there beautiful babies during the Holidays. Here we have Noah dressed as an elf with antlers (a first!)

A beautiful baby mugging it up for the camera.

A tired of flashes in his face escaping elf says, "No more, please!"

A half naked reindeer looks exhausted and confused by the lack of garments and the addition of head gear.

And the kicker! A diaper only elf. He looks like Will Ferrel in ELF. Too big for the hat. He's only missing Ferrel's trademark flop sweat and hairy belly. Ah, some day, young Noah.

Noah wants to thank everybody for everything. (There! Now no one can say I didn't mention them specifically)

Here are a few of Noah's favorite 1st Christmas moments with some of his favorite people (but remember, he loves all of you equally, including his Momma (who he calls Na Na) and Dadda (who he sometimes calls Doggie).

Noah meets Santa Claus for the first time. It did not go well.

Noah and his home boy Aedan share a moment.

Noah shows Dad his climbing skills as he ascends the staircase at Great Uncle Damon and newly crowned Great Aunt Jeanine's new home.

Noah and Dad sleep in on Christmas morning.

Although Noah just didn't understand why we wrapped his toys in colorful paper, he loved it once we tore it away to reveal toy after toy. (Note his baby in the background, he loves that baby and showes it by poking it in the eyes and dangling it by its toes)

The Hyatt family and Santa. Grandma Noonie, Grandpa, Uncle Steven and Auntie Kayla showered Noah with gifts and kisses -

Christmas finally ended. Noah rejoiced! Mom and Dad rested.

Merry Christmas family and friends. We love you all much. See you for 1st birthday in February.